Support FOFR’s Mission and Goals!
Any amount helps provide more resources, research, and reinvestment into this historically undervalued reef system!
Help FOFR provide FDEP with Continued Support of the Coral Reef Program through Squarespace Payment Processing
Secure Online Payments Made Through PayPal & Venmo
Donations via Check or Money Order
Please make payable to: Friends of Our Florida Reefs
Please include your pertinent contact info (name, address, email & telephone) and send to:
Friends of Our Florida Reefs, c/o Divers Direct, 180 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, FL 33004
No processing fees - 100% of your donation will be deposited into the FOFR bank. Thank you!

Friends of Our Florida Reefs, Inc. (FOFR) is a USA registered 501c3 nonprofit corporation (Fed ID #47-3822204) based in the State of Florida (FDACS #CH43825). FOFR is also the legally dedicated citizen support organization for the FL DEP Coral Reef Conservation Program. Donations to FOFR are tax-deductible to the full extent of USA and Florida law.