FOFR: Supporting the Protection and Conservation of 100+ miles of Florida’s Coral Reef
Enhancing the efforts of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Coral Reef Conservation Program and Coral Protection and Restoration Program, bridging the gap by raising funds, providing education, and encouraging community involvement.
Photo credits: Gug Underwater
Our Values
Community is essential to any organization. FOFR strives to invite the coral community, near and far, to be part of the conversation to protect our Florida Coral Reefs. We offer volunteer opportunities, online education, ways to spread Coral awareness through social media, community science events, and the option to donate so you can participate in your own way.
We speak for the Reefs. FOFR exists to bring attention and awareness to the threat Coral Reefs are facing in Florida. In addition to bringing this issue to the main stage, we hope to change the way citizens approach their daily lives to live more attuned with nature, rebuilding the relationship between humans and the natural world by considering plastic use and other daily habits.
First and foremost, FOFR is the legally dedicated citizen support organization for the FL DEP Coral Reef Conservation Program. We exist to close the gap between government and citizen efforts with the shared goal of protecting our Coral Reefs for generations to come. You can support the Coral Conservation Cause by becoming a member, donating, or coming out to one of our community outreach events.
Our Mission
FOFR's mission is to assist, complement, and enhance the critical efforts of the Florida DEP Coral Reef Conservation Program to conserve and protect the northern 100+ miles of Florida’s Coral Reef system.
Our Vision
FOFR’s vision is that South Florida becomes the example for the world for supporting and conserving coral reefs. FOFR envisions a healthy coral reef ecosystem with educated and engaged citizens invested in protecting this natural resource.
Supporting Conservation in the Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area Since 2015
Previously Known as the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Zone, managed and protected by the Coral Reef Conservation Program through the Florida DEP.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Coral Reef Conservation Program
Managing and protecting the northern section of the reef - the Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area.
Florida’s Coral Reef extends over 350 nautical miles from the Dry Tortugas to the St. Lucie Inlet in Martin County. The five counties bordering the reefs are home to over 6 million people. The Coral Reef Conservation Program manages the northern section of the reef, from the St. Lucie Inlet to the northern border of Biscayne National Park, known as the Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area. These reefs support a rich and diverse assemblage of stony corals, octocorals, macroalgae, sponges, and fishes. The Coral Reef Conservation Program leads the implementation of the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative and contributes to the National Action Plan to conserve coral reefs.
To learn more about the FL DEP Coral Reef Conservation Program, please visit:
FOFR History
Friends of Our Florida Reefs (FOFR) was founded in April 2015.
Friends of Our Florida Reefs is a 501c3 nonprofit, non-governmental citizen support organization geared towards closing the gap between government and citizen efforts. The concept was first introduced by Founder and First Board President, Scott Sheckman, who has been a champion for Florida’s Coral Reefs and the environment overall. The idea behind FOFR was fueled by the State’s Our Florida Reefs community planning process.
Photo credits: Gug Underwater Visit Gug Underwater for prints
FOFR Today
Since its founding in 2015, FOFR has worked hand in hand with the Florida DEP to pursue worthwhile efforts to protect our beautiful Coral Reefs.
FOFR works in concert with governmental agencies and like-minded nonprofit organizations committed to keeping this vital natural resource healthy and bountiful for wildlife and humans alike.
Ways to Join the Coral Conservation Cause!