Conserving the Largest Coral Reef Ecosystem in the Continental United States
Friends of Our Florida Reefs:
Supporting Coral Reef Conservation from Miami to St. Lucie Inlet in Martin County
Special thank you to NSU Oceanographic Institute & National Coral Reef Institute, Dr. Brian K. Walker, Ph.D. for the fly-by video!
Saving Our Threatened Coral Reefs
South Florida’s economy and way of life are inextricably linked to the coral reef ecosystem. The reefs provide habitat for species that are valuable to commercial and recreational fisheries, serve as a new frontier for biomedical research, attract tourists who bolster our economy, and protect our coastlines from storms and flooding.
Who We Are
Friends of Our Florida Reefs (FOFR) is a registered 501c3 nonprofit citizen support organization run entirely by volunteers dedicated to conserving and protecting over 100 miles of coral reef in Southeastern Florida. Together with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), we work to protect Florida’s Coral Reef by bridging the gap in funding, providing education on and offline, community outreach events, complementing the programs activities set forth by the Coral Reef Conservation Program and the Coral Protection and Restoration Program.
Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area
Previously known as the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Zone
Get Involved
Help us help the coral reefs of South Florida
Join us for community events with the objective of learning more about coral reefs and spreading the knowledge.
Start supporting coral reefs right from your couch by learning about coral reefs in Florida.
Visit the FL DEP YouTube channel, visit links, and share the information on socials to support!
Get a tax write-off and help Florida’s Coral Reefs - at the same time!
Join the Coral Conservation Cause!
The corals are being threatened but this is no time for despair - it’s time to reclaim Florida’s Coral Reefs as the national treasure it is…
Our Redwoods.
Our Yosemite.
Our Great Lakes.
Florida’s Coral Reef…
The largest reef system in the continental U.S.
Ways to Join the Coral Conservation Cause!